Beautiful Faces are Made-Some Simple Tips

Every one admires beauty. In our day to day life we quiet often talk about beauty. The beautiful men, women, children, products, places and it goes on. John Keats, the great poet says 'A thing of beauty is joy for ever' very beautifully. Oscar Wilde, the great author says 'The artist is the creator of beautiful things.

So it is apparent that so much of importance is given in our life for beauty. If some one who is having a beautiful face, we really admire him or her.

The apparent truth is, beautiful faces are made indeed. There's a saying 'Face is the index of mind'. If so, one must take much care to get the beautiful face. In this fast world, it is hard to follow even simple rules. If you need a beautiful face, a slight change in your routine will help you a lot.

Some tips
1. Wash your face with warm water, frequently
2.Avoid using soap for your face.
3. If you happen to go out in the hot sun frequently, use sun screen lotion, the better one.
4. Consult your dermatologist whether you have skin allergy, and also to know about your  skin type.
5.Always use the branded cosmetics, preferably herbal one that suits to skin type.

To face this world, take care of your Face. Its invaluable and your priceless treasure.

 Simple tips for a beautiful face by Ayubkhan.U


Anonymous said…
Yes you are right beautiful face matter "Face is the index of mind". and of course face is mirror of personality.
Anonymous said…
beautiful skin, beautiful body, beautiful face. everything has a price.
Anonymous said…
Stunning work.

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